Prognosis | Elbow pain


The prognosis for elbow pain depends in principle on the underlying disease causing the pain. In most cases, however, it is an overloading of the joint and adjacent structures, which, if treated properly, usually causes symptoms only for a short period of time. Nevertheless, it is important to consult a doctor in case of elbow pain in order to exclude serious diseases and to discuss an individual therapy. The faster a suitable therapy is started the faster a healing of the damaged structures of the elbow is possible. In the case of harmless overuse syndromes, freedom from pain can be achieved after a few days and without therapy, whereby the duration of therapy for fractures of the elbow can be significantly longer.


Elbow pain occurs for a variety of reasons. Some of these triggering factors can be prevented while others are not prophylactic. For example, it is especially helpful in cases of complaints caused by overstraining the elbow and adjacent structures to initially stop performing the triggering movement.

Especially sports and physical activities that put a lot of strain on the elbow should be avoided at first. If it is individually known that there is a tendency to the development of such an overstrain syndrome, protection should be taken even more seriously. Other diseases and of course injuries cannot be prevented.


Elbow pain is a common complaint, but not always with the same causes. On the one hand, the pain can be acute or chronic and can be inflammatory or degenerative. Mainly an overload of the tendon attachments at the elbow is to blame for the elbow pain.

This is colloquially also called tennis or golf elbow. But also a pathological nerve course can cause strong elbow pain. The therapy of the complaints depends on the cause and is very different.

Mostly a conservative therapy is successful, only by pain medication and a protection of the elbow. In other cases an operation of the elbow cannot be avoided for a successful therapy. In general, the prognosis for elbow pain is very good if the disease is treated consistently. For this reason, a doctor should be consulted when symptoms occur, who can find the individual cause and initiate a suitable therapy.In addition to medication and operations, physiotherapy can be prescribed which can also prevent a restriction of movement in the joint.