Prognosis | Headaches in the forehead area


The prognosis for forehead pain is highly variable and depends on the underlying disease. Primary forms of headache such as migraine, tension headache or cluster headache are usually not curable, but can be treated well by medication and regular exercise and relaxation exercises. Secondary forms of headache are in principle curable by remedying the underlying disorder.


Pain in the forehead can present itself in many different ways and varies in its character (for example, pulling, stabbing, dull, drilling, pressing, throbbing or tearing) and intensity. The pain can be localized on one or both sides. Pain in the forehead can be acute and seizure-like, but can also persist over a longer period of time, i.e. become chronic.

Painkillers from the group of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), such as ASS and ibuprofen, are suitable for treating forehead pain. Paracetamol can also be used.