Prophylaxis | Cystic Fibrosis


There is no preventive measure in this sense, as it is an inherited disease. However, a human genetic counseling center (usually found in university hospitals) can be consulted. Here it is calculated how high the risk would be to pass the disease on to children.

This consultation is useful in any case, if cystic fibrosis is known in the family. A prenatal diagnosis is also desirable. In this case, an amniocentesis is performed before birth (i.e. prenatally). Fetal cells (cells of the child) are taken from the amniotic fluid and the DNA is examined for the mutated gene.

Prognosis cystic fibrosis

The average life expectancy for patients with cystic fibrosis is unfortunately only 32-37 years. Nowadays, the life expectancy of newborns born with this disease is estimated to be about 45-50 years. The prognosis is highly dependent on the therapy and whether it is adhered to. The patient himself and his motivation therefore play an important role.