Psoriatic Arthritis: Surgical Therapy

If joint pain or discomfort persists despite drug therapy, it is possible to perform both prophylactic and reconstructive surgery:

  • Synovectomy: A synovectomy involves the complete removal of the diseased synovium of a joint (articulosynovectomy) or the tendon sheaths (tenosynovectomy). The operation can be performed in the early stages of the disease to delay the destruction of the joint, but also in the late stages to relieve painful symptoms.
  • Arthrodesis: Another surgical therapy option is an arthrodesis. Here, an artificial stiffening of a joint with the aim of enabling a pain-free load of the same. Is considered the gold standard in advanced destructed (“destroyed”) wrist.
  • Joint replacement: in the case of joint destruction and painful functional limitation, there is an indication for joint replacement as ultima ratio.