Tetany: Causes

Pathogenesis (development of disease)

Hypocalcemic tetany (tetany associated with decreased calcium blood levels).

  • Enterogenic/primary calcium deficiency tetany – associated with calcium malabsorption or malnutrition.
  • Parathreogenic tetany – after parathyroidectomy (parathyroidectomy), in idiopathic hypoparathyroidism (parathyroid hypofunction).
  • Pseudohypoparathyroidism (synonym: Martin-Albright syndrome) – genetic disorder with autosomal dominant inheritance; symptoms of hypoparathyroidism (parathyroid hypofunction) without a deficiency of parathyroid hormone (PTH) in the blood: depending on the appearance, four types are distinguished:
    • Type Ia: concomitant Albright osteodystrophy: brachymetacarpy (shortening of single or multiple metacarpal bones) and tarsy (shortening of single or multiple metatarsal bones), round face, short stature
    • Type Ib; as in type 1a, there is renal PTH resistance, resistance to other hormones, especially thyrotropin are also possible; there is no Albright osteodystrophy
    • Type Ic: identical to type 1a, except that receptor-independent cAMP production is preserved in vitro.
    • Type II: probably several subtypes, Albright osteodystrophy is not present.
  • Recalcification tetany – calcium avidity after parathyroidectomy (parathyroidectomy).
  • Renal (kidney-related) tetany – hyperphosphatemia (excess phosphate) due to renal insufficiency (kidney weakness).
  • Toxic (based on poison effect) tetany – due to oxalates, fluorides, citrates.

Normocalcemic tetany (tetany accompanied by normal calcium blood levels).

  • Idiopathic tetany – in neurasthenics, psychopathies.
  • Hyperventilation tetany – in respiratory (breathing-related) alkalosis (acid-base balance disorder).
  • In infectious diseases, unspecified
  • In drug poisoning – epinephrine, guanidine, caffeine, morphine.
  • Central (brain-related) tetany – in hypothalamic lesions (injuries in the area of the hypothalamus/section of the diencephalon in the area of the optic nerve junction).
  • Magnesium deficiency tetany – due to hypomagnesemia (magnesium deficiency).
  • Gastric tetany (chloriprive tetany) – due to hypochloremia (decreases in chloride in the blood fluid) after vomiting.
  • Gravidity tetany – due to hyperemesis (increased vomiting) or gestosis (umbrella term for a number of conditions that occur only during pregnancy).

Etiology (causes)

Behavioral causes

  • Diet
    • Micronutrient deficiency (vital substances) – see Prevention with micronutrients.

Disease-related causes

Endocrine, nutritional and metabolic diseases (E00-E90).

Infectious and parasitic diseases (A00-B99).

  • Infectious diseases, unspecified

Psyche – nervous system (F00-F99; G00-G99).

  • Hypothalamic lesions (e.g., due to trauma/injury; tumor, encephalitis), unspecified – Injuries in a part of the diencephalon.
  • Neurasthenia* (nerve weakness, from τὀ νεῦρὀν neuron “nerve” and ὰσθενὴς asthenès “weak”).
  • Psychopathy* (artificial word from Greek ψυχή, psychḗ, “soul” and πάθος, páthos, “suffering”; ancient Greek pronunciation, respectively).

Pregnancy, childbirth, and puerperium (O00-O99).

Symptoms and abnormal clinical and laboratory findings not elsewhere classified (R00-R99).

Genitourinary system (kidneys, urinary tract – sex organs) (N00-N99).

  • Hyperphosphatemia (excess phosphate) due to renal insufficiency (kidney weakness).

Other causes

  • Condition after parathyroidectomy (parathyroidectomy).


Environmental pollution – intoxications (poisonings).

  • Citrate* *
  • Fluorides* *
  • Oxalates* *

* “Pseudo-tetany “with seizures in certain mental situations; can be copped (well suppressed)* * by calcium injection despite normocalcemia (normal calcium blood level)* * By chemical binding of blood calcium.