Pus in the neck without tonsils? | Pus in the neck

Pus in the neck without tonsils?

The duration varies from person to person and depends mainly on three factors: Is antibiotics used or not, how strong is the patient’s immune system and which pathogen is involved? However, as a very rough rule of thumb, one could assume that one to two weeks are needed to make the symptoms disappear completely.

How contagious is pus in the throat?

In case of an acute purulent inflammation of the throat, the responsible pathogens can also infect other people. Transmission usually occurs through so-called aerosols, i.e. tiny particles of mucus after sneezing or coughing, which are then inhaled by the other person. These aerosols also always contain pathogen admixtures, which are then also absorbed by the other person and can thus also lead to the outbreak of the disease. When taking antibiotics, one can assume that the danger of infection is banished after two days of antibiotic therapy.