Rash as a symptom of vaginal mycosis?
The appearance of rash is usually accompanied by an allergic reaction. For example, a rash in the area of the vagina can indicate an allergy to a detergent used or be caused by wearing new, unwashed underwear. A joint occurrence with a vaginal fungus is possible, but does not have to have a causal connection.
Symptoms at the partner
The vaginal mycosis is a fungal infection that can be transmitted to the partner during sexual intercourse. Since the intimate area of the man has a rather dry milieu, the fungal colonies multiply there only very slowly and therefore cause symptoms only much later. However, these symptoms are then mostly similar to those of a woman’s vaginal mycosis: redness, itching and whitish coatings (most frequently in the area of the glans).
If such signs of a fungal infection are noticed in your partner, it is recommended that you start an antimycotic therapy (therapy against the fungus). Otherwise it could come to a kind of “ping-pong effect” in which both partners infect each other again and again during sexual intercourse. If there is uncertainty about whether the partner is also infected, it is possible to have a clarifying fungal smear taken by a doctor (urologist or dermatologist).