Nevus: Prevention

To prevent nevi, attention must be paid to reducing individual risk factors. Injuries, poisonings, and other consequences of external causes (S00-T98).

  • Infected injuries can lead to the formation of granuloma pyogenicum (synonym: pyogenic granuloma; acquired benign (benign) vascular skin tumor of the hemangioma group, also called hemangioma or strawberry spot)

Preventive measures

Pigmented spots can degenerate malignantly under certain circumstances, which means that they can develop into skin cancer.
The risk of skin cancer increases even more significantly due to sunburns.Signs of malignant (malignant) change, which everyone should check themselves regularly, are summarized in the following ABCD rule:

  • Asymmetry – asymmetric shape
  • Boundary blurred, irregular
  • Color – different coloring within a spot.
  • Diameter greater than 5 mm

If you notice that a pigment spot is changing, you should see a dermatologist as soon as possible. Only he can determine for sure whether the pigment spot is benign or malignant change.