Red spots in babies | Red spots on the back

Red spots in babies

If reddish spots are visible on the baby’s back, the size and shape of these spots are important. Large, converging red spots are more likely to be mechanical, e.g. caused by a hot water bottle lying on one spot for a long time. Small, reddish spots on the skin can also always be a sign of a childhood disease, such as measles, rubella or scarlet fever.

It should be noted, however, that some diseases are not typical until school age. Other possible causes of smaller red spots in the area of the back are allergic reactions, e.g. caused by using a new skin oil or new detergent. Red patches that are rather dry and scaly could also be a skin fungus, which is not so rare in babyhood.

With babies it is rather impossible to find out if the reddish spots itch, but with a very restless and crying child this possibility must be considered. A treatment attempt with breastfeeding baby powder can be tried. If there is no improvement or even a worsening of the symptoms, a pediatrician should be consulted.

Red spots in children can be a sign of the numerous childhood diseases. These include measles, scarlet fever or rubella, which can lead to such reddish skin changes of varying sizes on the child’s body.In all rules the spots are rather small, sometimes converging and spread over large parts of the upper body, face or arms. One common feature is itching, which occurs in all childhood diseases with reddish spots.

Smaller or isolated reddish skin abnormalities could also be caused mechanically (pressure points etc.) or allergically. Even after mosquito bites, reddish spots or spots can appear on various parts of the body. A tick bite can, after days to weeks, result in a punctual reddish spot somewhere on the body, which is surrounded by a red ring (see: Detecting Lyme disease). The clinical picture also known as erythema migrans must be treated with antibiotics, as it is an expression of a developed Lyme disease (see: Lyme disease treatment)