Red spots caused by a fungus | Red spots on the back

Red spots caused by a fungus

Often there are fungi on the skin, but they do not cause any symptoms. An outbreak of a fungal disease can occur when the immune system is weakened or the fungal spores multiply strongly. Red spots caused by a skin fungus are mainly medium-sized, dry and flaky.

Particularly frequently affected areas are those parts of the body where skin lies on skin (under the armpits, under the breast, etc. ), thus providing an optimal warm, moist environment for fungi. An important measure in case of a skin fungus disease is to keep the corresponding area dry. There are numerous skin creams that can be applied and are successful in their application (e.g. Multilind®). The active ingredient is the fungicide Nystatin.

Red spots and pain

Red spots on the upper or lower arms are often caused by allergies. Depending on where the red spots are located, neurodermatitis cannot be excluded as a cause. In the case of neurodermatitis there are reddish and itchy spots on the elbows.

The skin is often dry and scaly. Contact eczema can also occur on the shoulder on the upper or lower arms. Treatment is only given after the diagnosis has been made.

Ointments and lotions containing cortisone are usually used for neurodermatitis. If the reddening of the skin is annular, an infection with borrelia may have occurred after a tick bite at the affected area (see: Detecting Lyme disease). In this case a doctor must be consulted and antibiotics given.

Red spots on the back and belly

Red spots on the belly are often caused by pressure points. This can happen, for example, after lying on your stomach for a long time or after putting on a hot water bottle. In this case, the reddish spots disappear after a short time.

In addition, reddish spots on the abdomen can always have an allergic cause. Detergents or shower gels that are not tolerated can lead to corresponding skin reactions. If dry and/or scaly skin areas on the stomach become visible, it may also be assumed that there is a skin fungus.

However, red spots on the abdomen can also be an expression of childhood illnesses. Diseases such as measles, rubella or scarlet fever form reddish skin changes on the stomach as well as on the facial area. (Red spots in the breast area can be caused by allergies (e.g. after using new skin care products etc.)

or by diseases such as measles, scarlet fever or rubella. Usually an itching is present here. In the area of the female breast, a mycosis, i.e. a skin fungus disease, can also always have occurred, which leads to a reddening of the skin area.

Especially in those areas where skin meets skin, the fungi can spread. Indicative of a fungal disease of the skin in the area of the breast is above all a dry, scaly and reddish skin condition, which can also be very itchy. If one sees ring-shaped or garland-shaped formations in the area of the conspicuous skin on the breast, this can also be an indication of a Borrelia infection after a tick bite (see: Detecting Lyme disease).

These spots are called erythema migrans and an antibiotic treatment must be initiated (see: Lyme disease treatment) Individual and more widespread reddish spotty spots, which may or may not itch, can also be an indication of mites. They are mainly found in bed linen and mattresses and are not visible to the naked eye, animals. The arms, hands and legs can also be affected by the reddish and itchy skin areas. If the suspicion of a mite infestation is confirmed, the bedding and mattress should be cleaned and disinfected accordingly. To alleviate the symptoms, Bepanthen® Wound Ointment or Fensitil Gel can be applied to the skin area.