Therapy | Stomach ache after eating – what to do?


The therapy of stomach pain after eating depends on the cause of the symptoms. If it is a food intolerance, the corresponding food should be avoided if possible. In the case of an inflammation of the mucous membrane of the stomach caused by bacterial colonization, the use of an antibiotic may become necessary.

Stomach ulcers must be clarified by means of a tissue sample and treated or removed accordingly. If the cause of the complaints is not in the gastrointestinal tract itself, further possible causes must be sought and the therapy adjusted accordingly (see: Medication for stomach pain). If home remedies for stomach pain after meals are no longer sufficient or if the symptoms persist for a long time, medication should possibly be used.

Proton pump inhibitors such as pantoprazole or omeprazole are the mainstay of therapy for stomach pain. They inhibit the cells that produce gastric acid directly in the stomach. This is important in order to switch off the entertaining factor in chronic heartburn or a stomach ulcer.

These drugs are effective, inexpensive and have very few side effects. If the stomach pain after eating is caused by an ulcer, the acid inhibitors should be taken for 6-8 weeks. During this time the mucous membrane can recover and the stomach pain after eating will disappear.

In some cases a stomach ulcer is caused by bacteria. In this case, certain antibiotics should be taken as additional medication. In the case of chronic heartburn, a longer intake of proton pump inhibitors can also be useful.

Home remedies

People who suffer from stomach pain after eating can first use various home remedies to combat the symptoms. Stomach ache after a meal can be relieved by stomach-friendly teas such as fennel or chamomile. They have a calming effect and can help relieve stomach pain after eating.

Peppermint tea also relieves stomach pain and also has an antibacterial effect. Another well-known household remedy is the application of heat. A warm bath or hot water bottle relaxes the stomach.

In addition, light stomach massages can help. Care should be taken to drink still water with food and avoid carbonated drinks. In addition, you should avoid coffee, alcohol and nicotine.

Small meals also help to avoid stomach aches after a meal. If symptoms such as heartburn are the problem in addition to stomach ache after eating, other home remedies are also useful. The use of Bullrich salt neutralizes the acid, but can also lead to a feeling of fullness in the stomach.

At night it can help to sleep with a slightly raised upper body. Household remedies alleviate mainly mild symptoms. However, if stomach pains persist, a medical examination should be carried out after eating in order to detect serious illnesses at an early stage.