Safe Driving in Winter

Slippery roads, poor visibility and snowfall – winter has its pitfalls and they should not be underestimated. When roads are submerged in snow, even traffic signs are often difficult to decipher. But you also have to pay attention to a snow-covered traffic sign. The winter splendor with snow and ice often confronts motorists with questions and problems. For example, many do not know exactly what to do when passing snow-covered traffic signs.

Rules apply even in snow chaos

So what do you need to be aware of? If traffic signs are no longer legible, they can still be clearly identified by their shape. So – even on unfamiliar roads – you must always stick to signs that you can already recognize by their shape. Because: In case of damage, even snow-covered signs are no excuse. Examples are octagon (stop), triangle on top (give way) or square (right of way).

Residents are even expected to know what a sign means despite the fact that it is snow-covered. Researching the meaning of a sign under snow, however, is not mandatory. However, cautious driving is required – you should continue to drive attentively, slow down and be ready to brake. After all, it may be that the hidden sign orders a speed limit, for example, or warns of a dangerous spot.

Correct behavior in frost and snow

Sufficient radiator antifreeze is one of the most important preparations for winter. During a short visit to the workshop, the antifreeze can be checked without much effort. Also, make sure there is enough antifreeze in the windshield wiper water. A windshield washer system that functions at all times is indispensable, especially in winter. Days when the temperature fluctuates around freezing point are particularly critical.

The reason is that the road surface is constantly changing due to the alternating thawing and freezing. Best to listen to weather reports a day in advance.

  • In snow or frost calculate more time
  • Adjust speed
  • Consider extended braking distance
  • Drive with foresight and in case of need: get off the gas pedal pedal