Pregnancy Ultrasound

Additional ultrasound examinations during pregnancy are medically useful and serve to examine the pregnant woman and the unborn child for early detection of diseases and growth disorders.

The procedure

Ultrasound examination in pregnancy is performed with inaudible ultrasound waves, which differ from normal sound by a different frequency of vibration and are absolutely harmless.
Legislation prescribes only three ultrasound examinations in the maternity guidelines for pregnant women.

However, regular additional examinations of the child during pregnancy allow early detection of disabilities, diseases and growth disorders in almost all cases.

During the examination, a transparent gel containing water is applied to the abdomen and the transducer is placed with gentle pressure. Moving images of the child are transmitted on a screen – the examination result is thus available immediately.

The following additional ultrasound examinations are recommended during pregnancy.

Your benefit

Additional, regular ultrasound examinations can usually detect and treat diseases, disabilities and growth disorders in time.

Additional ultrasound examinations during pregnancy serve your health care needs and increase your safety and that of your unborn child.