Regular sauna visits are an ideal way to beat the cold season. They strengthen the immune system, train the heart and circulation and are also good for the skin. Real fans indulge in this pleasure all year round. However, some rules must also be observed when taking a sauna.
7 Tips and rules for a healthy sauna visit.
- It is important not to rush into the sauna experience.
- Before the first sauna session, shower and, if necessary, remove makeup and then dry thoroughly, because dry skin sweats faster than wet.
- Stay in the heat for eight to ten minutes during the first sauna session.
- The higher the bench, the higher the temperature. In principle, it is more effective and healthier to sweat briefly but violently on the upper benches. However, you must always be able to feel comfortable. The last one or two minutes put on the lowest level to accustom the circulation back to the upright position.
- After the sauna session follows the cooling phase. To spare the circulation and slowly prepare the heart for the cold, the cold pour follows from the right ankle over the legs and arms towards the heart. Lukewarm or warm water is taboo, otherwise the relaxing feeling is lost afterwards. Quite brave can also jump into the plunge pool for a few seconds.
- After each sauna session follows a rest phase to relax the body. This phase should be at least as long as the sauna session. It is important to make sure that the body does not cool down. A bathrobe or a blanket do a good job here.
- After the rest phase, all the fun starts again from the beginning: sweat, cool down and rest. For the second and third sauna session, stay in the cabin for up to 15 minutes. The duration of the sweating, the choice of the bench and the seating position determines each himself.
The right equipment
You should pack the following equipment for a visit to the sauna:
- Bath towel to put underneath
- Towel to dry off
- Bath slippers and bathrobe
- Shower gel
- Shampoo and body lotion
Heat and ice cold water – is it compatible?
Although the temperature in the sauna is between 90 and 100 degrees, the air is so extremely dry that the heat can be easily endured. The subsequent cooling down is an incredible relief. Regular visits to the sauna have positive long-term effects on the entire organism: the metabolism is stimulated, the immune system is strengthened and fitness improves. Sauna visits lift the mood, alleviate irritability, insomnia and headaches. In addition, toxins and excess common salt that the body stores from food are flushed out with sweat.
Do you lose weight in the sauna?
That would be too good to be true. True, the body loses a lot of fluid through sweating and one to two kilos less actually show up on the scales. However, at the latest after the next bottle of water, these are again on it. A sauna visit, however, has the advantage that the metabolism and purification are boosted.
How does the sauna affect the skin and hair?
The skin is cleansed and purified, blood circulation increases, the protective mantle is strengthened and the skin‘s metabolism works twice as fast as usual. The result is rosy, elastic and firm skin on the face and all over the body. Ideal: after resting after the last sauna session, apply a face cream. The nutrients are absorbed particularly intensively. Regular sauna sessions can even help soothe acne skin, as the strong sweat production can act like a deep cleanser. You can go to the sauna with dry or also wet hair, neither one nor the other is harmful. If you want to treat your hair, leave in a hair conditioner, which is particularly well absorbed by the heat.
Sauna and colds
It does not help against it, but prevents. Who sweats regularly, strengthens his immune system and therefore becomes ill less often. However, if you have a cold, you should not go to the sauna.
Who should not go to the sauna?
For people suffering from high blood pressure, colds, inflammation, fever, epilepsy, heart or kidney problems, lung or skin diseases, or dizzy spells, a sauna visit is unsuitable. Those who are not sure should consult their doctor before going to the sauna for the first time.When blood pressure is low, it is more favorable to lie down instead of sitting. Therefore, be careful not to let your legs hang down.
How often and how many passes are ideal?
Up to three sauna sessions are recommended by experts, more leaches the body too much. Especially after sports, two to three sauna sessions work wonders. To keep the immune system going, one visit per week with three passes is enough. Two times a week is enough, and if you sweat every day, one session is enough. However, it is important to feel comfortable in the sauna. According to this, one should also direct his personal sauna habits.
With an empty or full stomach …
If you fill your stomach before going to the sauna, you are putting your circulation through a lot. However, it is even worse with a completely empty stomach. Here a collapse threatens. A sandwich before the sweat cure is sufficient for the well-being. Between the sauna courses under no circumstances eat and if possible nothing drink (that inhibits the purification effect). After the last sauna session, however, you should drink at least one liter of water to rebalance your fluid balance.