Sick Child: What to Do?

First, offer the feverish child plenty to drink: Tea, juices and water, preferably cool (not ice cold!). The younger the child, the greater the thirst. Infants in particular have a high fluid requirement in relation to their body surface area. In the home, thin pajamas or a T-shirt and shorts are usually sufficient for a feverish child. In bed, there should be a light blanket. If the legs are warm, you can make calf compresses.

At what point fever-reducing medication?

If the fever still continues to rise, you can also give fever-reducing medication suitable for children if the temperature is above 39.0 °C. Depending on the child’s age and body weight, there are suppositories or fever-control juices. Check whether the child is fever-free as a result of your fever-reducing measures. After about six hours, the medication may be repeated if necessary.

When should the child be presented to the pediatrician after all?

In the case of signs of a cold, such as a mild cough (without shortness of breath) and runny nose, mushy stools or fever, but the child is still cheerful and has an appetite, you can usually wait until the next day. Often the signs of illness are then over or weaker.

If an infant has more than a slight fever, see a doctor immediately: Under six months already from 38.0 °C (measured in the buttocks), in the older infant from 38.5 °C. This also applies if his behavior is “unpleasant” for you, your baby has signs of illness that you cannot explain, for example a rash or inflamed eyes, or if the child sleeps through more than one meal or seems apathetic. In case of prolonged watery diarrhea, repeated vomiting, and high fever with shortness of breath (or whistling breathing sound), you should go to the nearest pediatric clinic as soon as possible.

As a general rule, in all cases of doubt, even if you feel unsafe, you should “play it safe” and consult a physician.