These are the symptoms of EHEC | EHEC – What is it?

These are the symptoms of EHEC

In many cases, EHEC infections in adults can occur without external signs. The bacteria are then excreted after a few weeks without any further symptoms. However, to recognize an EHEC infection, various symptoms can be described.

The first signs of an EHEC infection are usually nausea and diarrhea. Abdominal cramps and fever are also counted among the typical EHEC symptoms. In individual cases, EHEC infections take a very severe course.In addition to the usual symptoms, severe intestinal inflammation also occurs.

Elderly people, babies and people with a limited immune system are particularly sensitive to this type of inflammation. In this case, those affected complain of severe abdominal cramps and bloody diarrhea. Such intestinal inflammations are also known as hemorraghic colitis.

In addition to intestinal inflammation, EHEC infection can also cause the so-called hemolytic uremic syndrome (HUS) in rare cases. This is characterized by anemia and kidney weakness. In this case, the EHEC toxins attack the blood cells, which eventually die.

This leads to hemolysis with the consequence of anemia. If such a case occurs, the affected person usually feels flabby and is pale in the face and extremities. An increased tendency to bleed can also be associated with the clinical picture.

There is an increased incidence of smaller bleedings or larger hematomas on the skin surface. The HUS also affects the kidney. The kidneys can no longer excrete water properly, which leads to water retention, especially in the legs.

Confusion and seizures can also be a rare side effect. This is because the kidney can no longer perform its normal detoxification function. Diarrhea is generally spoken of when the person affected has bowel movements more than three times a day that do not correspond to his or her normal form.

The diarrhea during an EHEC infection turns out to be watery. In most cases, the amount of faeces excreted also exceeds the normal amount of excretion. It is also important to consult a physician if diarrhea persists for more than three days, as important nutrients are lost through frequent bowel movements.

Typical of diarrhea in an EHEC infection is also that little to much blood can be mixed in. The reason for this is that toxins are formed during an EHEC infection, which can damage human blood vessel walls in particular. This damage leads to bleeding in the area of the intestine, which is finally excreted together with the stool.

You can find out how diarrhoea can be treated with home remedies at Home remedies for treating diarrhea Typical of diarrhea in an EHEC infection is also that little to a lot of blood can get mixed in. The reason for this is that toxins are formed during an EHEC infection, which can damage human blood vessel walls in particular. This damage leads to bleeding in the area of the intestine, which is finally excreted together with the stool.

You can find out how diarrhoea can be treated with home remedies at Home remedies for the treatment of diarrheaIn addition to watery, bloody diarrhea, an infection with the enterohaemorrhagic Escheria coli (EHEC) bacterium can also lead to severe vomiting. However, this symptom does not always occur in comparison to diarrhoea. In some cases, there are only complaints of nausea. If the vomiting occurs, it may also contain few traces of blood. Since the toxins of EHEC attack not only the intestinal vessels but also some of the vessels in the stomach, this eventually leads to bleeding, which must be expelled by vomiting.