Side effects | Entrance

Side effects

Enema can lead to side effects and risks, so it should only be performed by trained personnel. In rare cases, it can lead to perforation of the intestine or rupture due to excessive stretching. Circulatory problems can occur on the intestinal wall, which are very dangerous if left untreated. If the rinsing solution is too hot, scalding may occur. This can lead to disturbances in the electrolyte balance, an infection or circulatory problems.


The actual enema takes only a few minutes. Afterwards, an agreed time is set with the nursing staff in which one tries to suppress the bowel movement. Often one is asked to suppress the bowel movement for 10 to 20 minutes. After that you may go to the toilet as normal.


Doctors prescribe different types of enemas, depending on the requirements for defecation. The simple enema is used particularly often. An enema helps in cases of acute constipation or prior to diagnostic procedures in the anal region, as the bowel movement is very fast.There are so-called orthograde colonic irrigations, also called cleansing enemas, which are used to cleanse the bowel before colonoscopies or abdominal operations.

Among the orthograde colonoscopies there are different variants: Irrigations, high enemas, siphon or swivel enemas and rectal colon irrigations. In addition, there are special enemas that are helpful in the hospital for different clinical pictures, such as lactulose enemas, which are used in case of liver cirrhosis. Resonium enemas are chosen in patients who have too much potassium in their blood (hyperkalemia).

Special drug enemas can be the remedy of choice for diseases such as inflammatory ulcerative colitis, a chronic inflammation of the colon. In pediatrics, so-called “rectal instillations” are administered with saline solution when there is an invagination of the intestinal wall, which acts like an intestinal obstruction. Alternative physicians use colonic irrigation in the form of a subaqueous intestinal bath to cleanse the intestine.

An enema before birth causes the intestine to be emptied selectively before birth. This helps many women to go into labor and push themselves more unrestrainedly. There is less need to fear that the intestinal contents will be squeezed out during a strong contraction.

Another advantage of an enema before birth is that there is more room for the child’s head in the small pelvis. In addition, many women tense up if they inadvertently squeeze out stool during the contractions. This increases the sensation of pain and prolongs the child’s expulsion phase.

In addition, an enema additionally promotes the contractions. You can decide for yourself whether or not you want an enema before the birth. A common reason to perform an enema is constipation.

Enema is a common reason for constipation, and enema enemas are preferably used, which can be purchased in pharmacies for single or multiple use or can be performed by a nurse with the appropriate disposable preparations. A solution of glycerine and water is often used. After the solution has entered the rectum, the patient should try to retain the stool for 10 – 20 minutes.

Then the stool can be emptied in the toilet. In case of constipation, an enema helps to cleanse the intestine and loosen the constipation. Something else you might be interested in: Constipation – what can you do about it?

An enema is a method of cleaning the bowel, which requires that sufficient filtered water is fed into the bowel and stimulates bowel movement so that the entire bowel can be cleaned and not just the rectal areas. As soon as sufficient water is introduced into the intestine, it is excreted in the toilet. The process is repeated until the fluid is clear.

Usually three enemas are made. It may help to gently massage the abdomen to support intestinal movement. If you wish, you can add therapeutic substances for the third enema, for example olive oil, peppermint oil or aloe vera.