Side effects | Medicines for athlete’s foot

Side effects

Like all drugs that are used, fungal drugs have side effects that must be considered when using them. When used externally in the form of: may cause hypersensitivity reactions, which manifest themselves in the form of itching or skin irritation. After stopping the medication the symptoms disappear quite soon.

Internally applied substances in tablet form usually have a more intensive effect and a wider range of side effects. The most common side effects include indisposition, nausea, headaches, and changes in blood count. In some rare cases, damage and impairment of the liver and kidneys may also occur. In rare cases, an allergic reaction may also occur immediately after ingestion, which can manifest itself in the form of chills, a strong feeling of sickness or even life-threatening situations with shortness of breath.

  • Ointments
  • Gels or
  • Lotions