Medicines for athlete’s foot

Every third adult has had a foot fungus infection at some time, and most often you get this pathogen in a swimming pool, sauna or bathroom. The disease, also known as tinea pedia, is contagious and can be transmitted relatively quickly if adequate and consistent treatment is not started. In addition to general measures such as foot disinfection and regular changes of shoes and socks, there are some medications that are successfully used against athlete’s foot.

The group of drugs used to treat athlete’s foot infections is also known as antimycotics (drugs against fungal diseases). Through their mechanism of action they can inhibit the fungus in its growth or even kill it completely. If the fungal finding is not yet too pronounced, an attempt can be made to apply the antimycotic locally to the affected skin areas.

Come here: There are numerous active substances which have an antimycotic effect and are assigned to the drug group.

  • Gels
  • Ointments
  • Lotions and
  • Powder for use.

If the athlete’s foot is found to be very severe, it should be considered whether a systemic fungal treatment with tablets should be used instead of local application. The drug Terbinafine is frequently used in fungal therapy.

It is possible to apply the active substance as a local application in the form of gels, lotions or sprays to the affected skin areas or to take it systemically in the form of a tablet. The tablet form is effective against fungi throughout the body and can be dosed in different strengths. As a rule, one starts with the lowest dose and then increases it if it is not sufficient.

The active ingredient has an inhibitory effect on a specific enzyme that is responsible for the cell wall of the fungus. If the drug is used, a porous cell wall is formed and the athlete’s foot dies. Clotrimazol is also a frequently used drug.

This group of agents also inhibits the formation of the fungal cell wall in other places and causes the fungus to die after a relatively short period of use. Clotrimazol can be applied as a powder, gel or lotion to the affected skin areas. Miconazole is a modification of Clotrimazole and works in a similar way and with about the same intensity.

The treatment duration should also be similar. Bifonazole can also be used in the treatment of athlete’s foot. The advantage is that the duration of action is considerably longer and is therefore superior to the other preparations. In addition to the longer duration of action, the drug also has an anti-inflammatory component and can be used especially for irritated or inflamed skin.