Skin rash: Questions and Answers

What helps against skin rash?

For an allergic rash, antihistamines help. Antibiotics are prescribed for bacterial rashes and antifungals for fungal infections. Corticosteroids (‘cortisone’) help with inflammatory rashes. Over-the-counter creams and ointments also relieve symptoms. Have the rash examined by a doctor so that treatment can be tailored to the cause.

Where does sudden skin rash come from?

What helps immediately against skin rash?

Cooling compresses or a lotion with aloe vera quickly relieve itching. Antihistamines help with an allergic rash, and corticosteroids applied to the skin, especially hydrocortisone, relieve inflammatory rashes. Please note that ointments containing cortisone should not be applied to open wounds.

What helps against skin rash on the face?

Which ointment for skin rash?

Ointments containing cortisone help with allergic reactions or eczema, antifungal ointments with fungal infections and antibiotic ointments with bacterial infections. Ointments containing the active ingredient hydrocortisone have an anti-inflammatory effect and relieve itching. Your health care provider can prescribe the right ointment for your rash after an examination.

How long does rash last?

Is it possible to work with rash?

Should you go to your family doctor with a skin rash?

Your family doctor is always a good person to consult, even if you have a skin rash. He or she will assess the symptoms, diagnose the cause and recommend appropriate treatment. If necessary, you will receive a referral to a dermatologist (dermatologist), because skin rashes can also be signs of various diseases such as allergies, infections or autoimmune diseases.

What helps with itchy skin rash?

What are the rashes?

There are many different rashes:

  • Eczema (chronic skin inflammation)
  • Psoriasis (skin disease with red, scaly patches)
  • Urticaria (hives with itchy wheals)
  • Rosacea (chronic skin disease with redness and visible veins on the face)
  • Infectious diseases (such as chickenpox, measles and shingles)
  • Parasites (such as scabies mites)
  • Allergic reactions or photosensitizing medications

Is it okay to go out in the sun with a skin rash?

To prevent aggravation or additional irritation of the skin, it is better to avoid the sun. This is especially true for certain skin diseases such as lupus or rosacea. Since the UV radiation in sunlight can increase inflammatory processes in the skin, ask your treating physician whether you are allowed to be in the sun with your condition.

Which diseases can trigger a skin rash?

What foods can cause a rash?

Many people are allergic to peanuts, fish, eggs, milk, soy, wheat, shellfish, and certain fruits and vegetables with high histamine content, such as strawberries, tomatoes, and citrus fruits. An allergic reaction can also show up as a skin rash. You can find out if you are allergic to a particular food by taking an allergy test, for example, at a dermatologist’s office.