Snoring therapy

What to do when snoring?

Since snoring can be caused by a variety of factors, it is important to find out where the problem in a patient comes from. Then the patient can decide with his doctor on one (or more) of the various available therapies. For many people with a tendency to snore, it is sufficient to eliminate existing risk factors to remedy the snoring.

Sleeping pills, tranquillisers and, if possible, psychotropic drugs should be removed or replaced if they can be linked to snoring. In addition, you should definitely limit your alcohol consumption, i.e. it is best to drink no more alcohol in general, but at least two hours before going to bed. Losing weight is proven to be one of the most effective behavioural changes to prevent snoring.

For many people affected by snoring, changing position during the night alone helps. While you snore loudly when lying on your back, you may find that you are calm as soon as you turn over on your stomach or side. Many people change their position unconsciously on their own because the body notices the lack of oxygen and wants to correct it, others do not.

So, if you are disturbed by the snoring of your bed neighbor, you should always try to wake him up briefly so that he can turn around to eliminate the problem. Sleeping with your head held high can also help. If a clear reason for the snoring can be identified, the snoring usually disappears with the fact that this basic illness is treated appropriately.

For example, people with a deviated septum can be corrected surgically, which straightens it and allows them to breathe normally again. If you have a cold or flu with a cold and a swollen nasal mucosa, you can use decongestant nasal drops or try inhalation or camomile steam baths to restore normal breathing through the nose. Sometimes this works very well, sometimes less so, but since these infections are usually caused by viruses, they almost always disappear again by themselves after a few days and take the snoring problem directly with them.

The same applies in principle to bacterial infections (where the use of an antibiotic is recommended) and allergies (where antiallergics such as antihistamines can also be used). Swollen tonsils can usually be successfully treated with antibiotics. If someone is more prone to tonsillitis, one can consider together with a doctor whether it is advisable to have the tonsils removed.

For people who snore for no apparent reason, there are other measures that can be taken to remedy the situation. These include, for example, a bandage that is tied around the crown and chin at night and thus prevents the lower jaw from sagging. A bite splint for the lower jaw and upper jaw has a comparable effect, because it pulls the lower jaw forward and thus increases the mouth/throat area.

Another option is a denture similar to a bite splint, which presses the tongue down and thus also provides space. In extreme cases an operation can be considered. Here, too, there are various options.

Often the mucous membranes of the throat and palate are simply tightened and the uvula (sometimes in combination with the tonsils) is removed completely or partially from the neck. Alternatively, the uvula can be pulled upwards and sutured to the palate, so that the mucous membrane is not so severely affected. More recent and less common methods are the use of laser or radiation (radiofrequency therapy) to remove parts of the palate and/or suppository.

Although all these surgical procedures have a good success rate, they must be performed under general anesthesia and may be accompanied by rare but significant complications such as post-bleeding, difficulty swallowing or leakage of fluid from the nose. If you notice snoring, it is best to consult a doctor and take action against it, as it is not only disturbing but can also have health consequences. Snoring occasionally causes considerable sleep disturbances, so that concentration and performance deficits can occur during the day. The worst form, the so-called sleep apnoea syndrome, is accompanied by a very pronounced and loud snoring as well as longer breathing stops during which the patient does not get any air at all.Due to the resulting lack of oxygen, this disease is a considerable strain on the cardiovascular system and may even be life-threatening.