Stages of peanut allergy | The peanut allergy

Stages of peanut allergy

Peanut allergies can be classified according to the strength of the reaction and the amount of peanuts a person reacts to. The mildest allergic reactions occur in people who do not have a “real” peanut allergy. Instead, they are allergic to one of the substances that can cause cross-allergies with peanuts.

The allergens (allergy-causing substances) are similar, so that affected persons can easily react to peanuts with their antibodies. The symptoms of peanut allergy can take all forms from a slight burning sensation in the mouth to an irritated throat to severe shortness of breath with allergic shock. In addition, there are people who already react to even the smallest amounts of peanuts, others react to raw peanuts, but are not allergic to processed nuts (for example roasted peanuts), because the heat can change some allergens. There are four levels of severity, but they are more likely to be allergic reactions such as hay fever. As it is based on the duration, frequency and severity of the reaction during a prolonged (pollen) exposure.

Can a peanut allergy be cured?

Anyone who is affected by a peanut allergy will retain this allergy throughout their entire life. However, an allergic reaction can be completely prevented by avoiding contact with peanuts.The symptoms of an allergic reaction to peanuts appear within seconds to minutes after eating the peanuts and last for several hours depending on the severity of the allergy. In the event of an allergic shock, emergency medication must be administered as soon as possible, otherwise the symptoms will persist until death within a few minutes to hours

Can a peanut allergy be fatal?

A peanut allergy can cause an allergic (also anaphylactic) shock in some people. This extremely strong reaction is rare, but can be life-threatening. An allergic shock can be seen as a reaction of various bodily functions to the consumption of peanuts.

These include a strong contraction of the smallest airways, which leads to pronounced respiratory distress, and the cardiovascular system is also strongly affected. The combination of symptoms can be fatal within a few minutes.