Other term
St. Stephen’s wort
Application of Staphisagria in the following diseases in homeopathy
- Burning, itchy skin rashes
- Poorly healing suppurations
- Dental caries
- Diarrhea
Use of Staphisagria for the following symptoms
- Weakness of memory
- Abnormal sexual perceptions
Aggravation by: Everything worse in the morning when getting up. Irritated, moody mood, shy, slightly offended.
- Wretched and tired in the morning when waking up
- Pale appearance
- Hollow-eyed
- Inflammations in the area of the facial nerves
- Gastric Pressures
- Brechwürgen
- Craving for stimulants
- Trouble
- Cummerand
- Through sexual excesses
Active Organs
- Central and autonomic nervous system
- Skin
- Female and male sexual organs
- Gastrointestinal tract
Usual dosage
Commonly used:
- Tablets (drops) D3, D4, D12
- Ampoules D6, D12