Causes of bad breath in the morning | How can you avoid bad breath in the morning?

Causes of bad breath in the morning

  • The cause of bad breath in the morning is in most cases directly in the oral cavity because the salivary flow rate is much lower than during the day. Bacteria cannot then be transported away in the direction of the stomach and also cause a bad taste, which is often associated with the unpleasant smell.
  • This process becomes even worse if good oral hygiene has not been carried out and there is also food residue between the teeth. Then the bacteria have even more room to settle and even more nutrients to spread.
  • Furthermore, the smell in the morning depends on what kind of food one has eaten and when in the evening.

    Thus, spicy food stimulates salivation and also provides a somewhat increased flow rate overnight.

  • However, a very late dinner can also cause gastric acid to enter the esophagus, which in turn can lead to heartburn and also cause a bad smell from the mouth

The causes of morning bad breath in children are the same as in adults. The smell is due to the dryness of the mouth. Metabolic products of the bacteria cannot be removed properly and thus cause unpleasant breath.

With children such a smell can sometimes occur suddenly. If one is sure that there is good oral hygiene and no caries is present, then a physical illness must be excluded. In this case, an inflammation of the paranasal sinuses or tonsillitis are often a possibility.

Much less frequently, however, the little ones also suffer from type I diabetes or stomach problems. However, this should be examined and treated more closely by a doctor. This could also be interesting for you: Bad breath in the morning is not uncommon.

However, if the most important tips are followed, this problem will quickly disappear again.In addition to a too rare or not properly executed oral hygiene, dental diseases are also often the cause of halitosis, as halitosis is called in the technical language. The most important ones are periodontitis and caries in the form of holes in the tooth. These diseases offer bacteria enough living space to spread.

Dryness of the mouth is another cause, since the odor-forming bacteria can no longer be sufficiently removed. In this case, a sufficient supply of liquid can already help. Furthermore also still the nutrition must be led.

If a lot of garlic is consumed or a lot of alcohol is drunk, a bad odor will manifest itself in the mouth and thus lead to the deterrence of the other person. Drugs and stress also weaken the immune system and increase the number of bacteria in the mouth. Finally, one should also think about the possibility of a disease of another body system. For example, diabetes, inflammation of the stomach or liver inflammation are suspected to cause halitosis.