Renal pelvis


Latin: Pelvis renalis Greek: Pyelon


The renal pelvis is located inside the kidney and represents the connection between the kidney and the ureter. The renal pelvis is lined with mucosa. It is funnel-shaped widened to the renal calices (Calices renalis).

These renal calices surround the renal papillae. The renal papillae are bulges of the renal marrow into the renal pelvis. The calices renalis can thus directly collect urine from the renal papillae and convey it to the renal pelvis.


The renal pelvis serves as a collection basin for the urine produced in the renal tissue. It passes the urine directly into the ureter. or tasks of the inflammation of the renal pelvis (pyelonephritis):The inflammation of the renal pelvis is usually caused by a bacterial infection.

It is usually caused by an ascending infection from the bladder and ureter; rarely do the bacteria enter the renal pelvis via the bloodstream. Kidney stones, diabetes, malformations and low fluid intake pose a risk for their development. The patient usually has fever, flank pain and painful or bloody urination.

The therapy consists of antibiotic administration for at least 10 days. Cancer of the renal pelvis (carcinoma of the renal pelvis): Carcinoma of the renal pelvis is a rare malignant tumor of the renal pelvis that mainly affects older men. Pelvic kidney stone: This is a special form of kidney stone that is found in the renal calices or renal pelvis.

They can become so large that they fill the entire renal pelvis (renal pelvic effusion stone). These large renal pelvic stones usually have to be removed surgically.