Sudden Hearing Loss – Prevention

When someone suddenly hears less or nothing at all in one ear for no apparent reason, doctors call it a sudden hearing loss or ear infarction. The exact reason for the sudden onset of hearing problems is not yet fully understood. However, experts suspect that a combination of factors leads to circulatory problems in the inner ear, which ultimately lead to hearing loss. Direct prevention is not possible. But various measures help to keep the risk of a hearing loss low:

  • No stress: Above all, avoid constant stress. Make sure you regularly relax in a quiet place, away from everyday noise.
  • No tobacco: Refrain from nicotine, because smoking increases the risk of hearing loss.
  • Cure properly: If you have an acute infection (e.g., flu, cold), take it easy. If you have a middle ear infection, a visit to your ENT doctor is always advisable. He can assess how high the disease-related risk of damage to the inner ear is.