Surgery of a nasal septum curvature


The nasal septum curvature, which is also called septum deviation in the technical language, is a deformation of the nasal septum. There are congenital nasal septum deformities and those caused by trauma. A very pronounced curvature in particular can be very disturbing for those affected, as it hinders nasal breathing and can cause other complaints such as snoring, headaches and nosebleeds.

A nasal wall curvature can only be corrected by surgery. This is usually performed as an inpatient procedure. In some cases, however, outpatient procedures are also possible.

When correcting a nasal septum curvature by surgery, it is important that the result is both aesthetically pleasing and that the function of the nose is not impaired by the operation. The surgery is performed when the patient has pronounced symptoms and is suffering from a high level of discomfort. The aim of the surgery is to restore nasal breathing and to correct the external and internal nose aesthetically. The complaints should not be present after the surgery.


An indication, i.e. a reason, for surgery is only given if a nasal septum curvature is actually present. If this is the case, there are various symptoms and clinical findings that justify surgery. In the following section you will find an overview of important indications for surgery: 1. a permanent or intermittent obstruction of nasal breathing 2. an obstruction of nasal breathing with secondary diseases such as snoring, inflammation of the middle ear or mouth breathing; 3. permanent nosebleeds that are difficult to stop (epistaxis); 4. Changes in the shape of the external nose caused by the curvature of the nasal septum; 5. in the case of additional presence of a tumor of the nose; 6. to improve the respiratory mask therapy in obstructive sleep apnea; 7. severe aesthetic impairment, even without the presence of a functional disorder of the nose; 8. functional disorders of the nose, for example, disturbance of the olfactory function, impairment of the voice