The brook blossom olive

Description of the flower Olive

The evergreen olive tree blooms in spring and develops small, inconspicuous, white flowers.

State of Mind

One feels exhausted, mentally and physically completely exhausted. Everything is too much!

Peculiarity Children

Children in negative olive state appear pale, limp, exhausted and tired and do not feel like doing anything. They lack stamina and motivation. These conditions can occur in otherwise balanced and satisfied children after an illness, after lack of sleep or when the schedule is too full, when there is too little time for play and balance.

Pronouncement adults

After great efforts (serious illness, double burden, lack of sleep, developmental processes) one feels completely exhausted, even small everyday activities become insurmountable obstacles. “I’m completely exhausted, I feel sick with fatigue”! You no longer want to hear or see anything, you no longer feel like it, you just want to sleep or sit. Of course, behind such conditions there can always be serious illnesses that need to be found.

Aim of the brook blossom Olive

The Olive is said to restore inner peace, inner balance and thus lead to more regenerative ability. One learns to walk correctly with one’s powers, recognizes the needs of one’s body, gains new vitality.