The duration of the disease | The nerve inflammation in the face

The duration of the disease

The duration of a nerve inflammation in the face depends on the cause, the immune system and individual conditions. If the cause can be adequately treated, the inflammation of the nerves may also regress under favorable circumstances. If the cause cannot be treated or the conditions are unfavorable, facial nerve inflammation may persist in certain cases.

Sick leave is dependent on many different factors. The cause, the severity of the inflammation or and the underlying disease, as well as the workplace and the activities to be performed are decisive. An important role is also played by the extent to which the affected person leads himself or herself with restrictions.

The prognosis

It is not possible to make a general prognosis for nerve inflammation. The prognosis depends on a variety of components, so it would be negligent to make a general statement. The only thing that is basically given is that the prognosis is usually better if the cause is known and there are possibilities for treatment. If the cause is unknown, the prognosis is often worse.