Therapy | Inflammation of tendons in the metatarsus


In most cases a conservative treatment is used. The immobilization and cooling of the foot for a few days and the anti-inflammatory treatment leads in most cases to an early improvement of the symptoms. Ibuprofen or Diclofenac is used as an anti-inflammatory drug.

Chronic and severe inflammations lead to a sticking of the tendons and to a strong restriction of mobility. In this case, it may be necessary for a surgical solution of the tendons to restore mobility. Taping can help to accelerate the regeneration of the inflamed tendon.

Taping increases the stability of the affected area, which on the one hand prevents secondary injuries and on the other hand avoids incorrect strain. The vasodilator effect helps to accelerate the healing of the inflammatory process. The tape can also ensure that the affected tendon is relieved of pressure and therefore no further irritation occurs.

There are also some home remedies for tendon inflammation that can help the inflammatory reaction subside more quickly, or at least alleviate the symptoms.

  • On the one hand, the quark wrap has proven its worth, which has a pleasantly calming effect on the affected area with its cooling effect. To do this, it is sufficient to put the curd on a cloth, which is placed on the inflamed area and replaced after a few minutes.
  • Cooling compresses are also useful in case of inflammation. Here it is important to remember never to place the cooling element directly on the skin, but always keep a cloth in between to prevent the skin from freezing.
  • Tapes and bandages or splints are always useful to immobilize the affected area of the body, to maintain the protection and prevent further irritation of the tendon.
  • Anti-inflammatory gels or creams also help to speed up the healing process and reduce excessive reactions of the body.


Depending on the severity of the inflammation, treatment may take from a few days to 4 weeks until the symptoms have completely subsided. The patient’s attention to the immobilization of the foot is also decisive. If overstrained during the healing phase, the inflammation may worsen or become chronic despite the administration of medication.

In the case of tendon inflammation, the patient should be spared rather than exercised. Sport should be avoided for a few weeks. During this time, the affected tendon should be protected and immobilized with a special splint, for example. Individual exercises can then be carried out slowly after some time to strengthen the surrounding muscles. However, the return to sport, especially if the sport has caused the tendon inflammation, should be done carefully and attentively observed.