Diagnosis | Inflammation of tendons in the metatarsus


The diagnosis of tendinitis of the foot is made by the patient’s interview and the examination by the doctor. First of all, the patient is asked when the pain occurred and how long it has existed. Previous movements or strains are also asked about and the exact severity and type of pain is examined.

The examination refers to the mobility in the toe and foot joints, which the examiner actively and passively tests. If, above all, the pulling of the toes towards the body is painful, this indicates a tendon problem in the area of the foot. The reason for this is that when the toes are moved, the tendons of the associated muscles in the area of the foot move back and forth and, in the event of an inflammation in this area, strong friction occurs.

During the examination, the patient is also asked to stand on the tips of the feet and on the heel. If he succeeds in doing so only under pain, this may also indicate an inflammation of the tendons of the metatarsus. In cases of doubt, imaging can still be performed for diagnosis.

In this case, an ultrasound examination is used, which can show calcifications and thickening of the muscle tendons. If this examination also does not provide clear evidence of tendonitis, an MRI examination of the foot can also be performed. Soft tissues can be visualized very well in this examination. Inflamed tendons of the foot would show thickening or calcification, which would substantiate the suspicion of tendonitis.


Inflammations of the tendons often start insidiously. Caused by heavy strain during sports without warming up beforehand or by repetitive one-sided movements, swelling, redness and pain occur at the affected area. Calcification can also occur after a long period of untreated progression, which is noticeable by a crunching noise when moving.

The duration of tendonitis depends very much on the immobilization of the affected tendon or joint.If it is consistently spared, the inflammation can subside after a few days. If this is not the case, a chronic course can develop. It is important to avoid the triggering movements or to correct incorrect movement sequences, for example during sports. Preventive measures, such as physiotherapy exercises, also help to shorten or prevent tendon inflammation.