These are the alternatives to the bandage | Bandage for Achilles tendonitis

These are the alternatives to the bandage

Alternatively to the bandage, the ankle and calf can be taped. Thus, a rather firm or elastic tape can be used as required. Heel wedges are also used to relieve the Achilles tendon.

In addition to bandages and other stabilising aids, physiotherapy is important to increase the stability of the ankle and to relieve the Achilles tendon. If you have well-developed muscles, you can also treat an Achilles tendon without bandages and only use stretching and stabilising exercises. In addition, pain-relieving and anti-inflammatory drugs should be used in case of corresponding complaints.

Heel wedges are often worn in addition to bandages in the case of Achilles tendon inflammation. The wedges place the foot in a slightly more stretched position. This means that the Achilles tendon is not stretched quite as much when running and therefore the strain is relieved slightly with every step.

When using the heel wedges, it is important to use them on both sides. Otherwise there will be differences in leg length, which can cause an asymmetrical load on the legs. The heel wedges can also be used for accompanying complaints such as a heel spur or bursitis under the heel.

Instead of a bandage, the ankle joint can be taped. It is important to distinguish between two different types of tape. On the one hand there is the stable, mostly white tape, which is primarily used to stabilize the ankle joint.

This is particularly helpful in the immediate post-traumatic or acute inflammatory situation in the case of Achilles tendonitis. Later, when more mobility in the ankle joint should already be possible again, the elastic tape is more suitable. Kinesiotape is usually used for this purpose, which is classically available in blue, pink, skin-coloured and black. The tape supports the pull of the Achilles tendon and thus reduces the strain on the tendon. However, it has little or no stabilizing effect on the ankle joint