Tips for Stress Free Learning

Accounting is not for everyone – so do you necessarily have to pass the exam with a 1.0? Hardly. “If you assess your possibilities realistically and set yourself concrete goals, you protect yourself from excessive demands,” explains DAK expert Frank Meiners. Because unrealistic expectations put more pressure than necessary. The consequence: In the end, you don’t even manage your normal workload. So rather go with the Olympic thought in the exam – that reduces the stress, and less stress means less stress eating.

Exercise reduces stress

Even if at first glance it has nothing to do with eating: Always get up in between, walk around the block and get some fresh air. This gets the circulation going and clears the head. It also reduces tension and the desire to eat. Because: “Anyone who runs directly reduces stress hormones – cravings disappear,” says DAK psychologist Meiners. Those who are really hungry afterwards may, of course, treat themselves to something wholesome.

Use breaks actively

“Especially in times of mental stress, it is important to keep a cool head,” explains Frank Meiners. When learning, there are always seemingly unproductive phases anyway: The head is full, the eyes hurt. These moments can be actively used for relaxation. A captivating movie or an extensive full bath briefly directs the mind to something completely different. As a result, the stress curve drops, the desire for sweet rewards diminishes, and you’re refreshed for the next round of everyday learning.

Drink, drink, drink

When studying, you should drink plenty of fluids. “Two liters a day, preferably water or juice spritzers, protect against headaches and poor concentration,” says psychologist Frank Meiners. And: water keeps the urge to eat in check because it fills the stomach. “It’s best to always keep a full bottle close at hand, then you won’t forget to drink,” advises Meiners. And if you do, the PC calendar can be set to remind you to drink every 15 minutes.

Ban zone for sugar and co

Who now nevertheless still a ravenous appetite attack overcomes, should be prepared: “Even if it is difficult: Sweets on the desk are absolutely taboo”, says the DAK expert Meiners. Ideal: If you don’t have anything tempting in the house, you won’t even be tempted. So simply order cards of the Pizzadienst and chocolate supplies from the range banish and by yogurt, fruits and whole grain bread replace. Nuts, by the way, provide plenty of energy and boost mental performance. Not for nothing do these vital substance bombs form the basis of the famous “student food” and are ideally suited as a healthy snacking treat in times of stress.