Basica Instant | Basica

Basica Instant Basica Instant is an alkaline drinking powder with an orange flavour, which contains all important minerals and trace elements as well as vitamin C and vitamin B2. One intake per day is recommended. About 2 measuring spoons of Basica Instant (about 15g) should be dissolved in about 250ml water and drunk. Basica Instant … Basica Instant | Basica


Synonyms in a broader sense Skin burns, skin burns 1. chemical burn of the esophagus Esophageal burns are divided into three stages. Grade 1: Increased blood circulation and swelling of the mucosa Grade 2: Ulcers and whitish coatings become visible Grade 3: Ulcers and dying tissue, penetrates all tissue layers; danger of perforation Typical burns … Burning

2. burns of the eyes | Burning

2. burns of the eyes Burns to the eyes are very painful. They usually occur as an accident at work or in the household. The chemical burn can lead to blindness. Since the affected person will pinch the eyes tightly together due to the pain, it is difficult to provide help. The eye must be … 2. burns of the eyes | Burning