Chronic Bronchitis: Diagnosis and Treatment

Diagnosis is usually possible on the basis of the clinical picture. However, some investigations are required to assess the severity and to exclude other diseases. Diagnostic investigations in the setting of bronchitis Microbiological and cytological examination of the sputum. Blood count examination X-ray of the chest Pulmonary function test Blood gas analysis (BGA) in the … Chronic Bronchitis: Diagnosis and Treatment

Chronic Bronchitis: Causes and Symptoms

Chronic bronchitis is a permanent inflammation of the respiratory tract that mainly affects smokers and former smokers. In Germany, about 20 percent of all adult men are affected by chronic bronchitis, which can severely limit the quality of life, especially in advanced stages. When is bronchitis chronic? Chronic bronchitis presents the same symptoms as acute … Chronic Bronchitis: Causes and Symptoms