Contraindications for the use of Effortil® | Effortil®

Contraindications for the use of Effortil® Patients suffering from the following diseases must not take Effortil®: Hyperthyroidism Pheochromocytoma: here, an uncontrolled release of adrenalin and noradrenalin occurs in the adrenal gland. Glaucoma (increased intraocular pressure) Bladder voiding disorders, including prostate enlargement High blood pressure Cardiac arrhythmia associated with an increased heart rate (e.g. atrial fibrillation) … Contraindications for the use of Effortil® | Effortil®


Effortil® is the trade name of a drug containing the active ingredient Etilefrin. Effortil® can be taken by patients suffering from low blood pressure (arterial hypotension). Mode of action Effortil® belongs to the group of so-called sympathomimetics: these are drugs that have a similar effect to the body’s own hormones adrenaline and norardrenaline and can … Effortil®


Formation of calcitriol: The steroid-like hormone calcitriol is formed from the precursor 7-dehydrocholesterol, which in turn is formed from cholesterol. The hormone passes through several stages in the course of its synthesis: First the skin under the influence of UV light, then the liver and finally the kidney. Calciol (cholecalciferol) is formed in the skin, … Calcitriol

Eye drops

Aqueous or oily medicines for use on the eye are called eye drops (oculoguttae). The drops are dropped into the conjunctival sac and thus the active ingredient contained in the drug can act locally. Typically, eye drops are used for the treatment of the following complaints: Irritation or Dry eyes (= “artificial tears”) (e.g. hyaluronic … Eye drops

Eye drops for conjunctivitis | Eye drops

Eye drops for conjunctivitis In conjunctivitis, the affected eye is swollen, reddened and often sensitive to pressure. Conjunctivitis can have various causes. It can be allergic, for example to hay fever. Depending on the symptoms, moisturising eye drops can improve the symptoms. Here, for example, so-called artificial tears or euphrasia, also known as “eyebright“, can … Eye drops for conjunctivitis | Eye drops

Hormones of the adrenal cortex

The adrenal cortex has a three-layer structure, with each layer producing certain hormones. From the outside to the inside you can find: Zona glomerulosa (“ball rich zone”): Production of mineral corticoids Zona fasciculata (“clustered zone”): Production of glucocorticoids Zona reticulosa (“reticular zone”): Production of androgens These hormones include glucocorticoids, mineral corticoids and androgens. The former … Hormones of the adrenal cortex


Formation of prolactin: The hormone prolactin of the pituitary gland is also called lactotropin and is a peptide hormone. Regulation Regulation of prolactin: The PRH (prolactin releasing hormone) and the TRH (thyrooliberin) of the hypothalamus stimulate the release of prolactin from the anterior pituitary gland, which has a day-night rhythm. Oxytocin and several other substances … Prolactin