What Adrenaline does in the Body

Adrenaline (also epinephrine), like norepinephrine, which has a similar effect, is a hormone that is also called the stress hormone because it is produced in the adrenal gland in stressful situations and released into the blood. The effect of adrenaline on the organism was of particular importance to our ancestors. This is because the release … What Adrenaline does in the Body

Fat Loss: Function, Tasks, Role & Diseases

Fat breakdown, also called lipolysis, occurs mainly in fat cells (adipocytes). The most important function of lipolysis is energy production. However, there are interfering factors that inhibit fat breakdown. What is fat breakdown? Fat breakdown, also called lipolysis, occurs mainly in fat cells. The most important function of lipolysis is energy production. Fat breakdown in … Fat Loss: Function, Tasks, Role & Diseases