Bioresonance Therapy

Bioresonance therapy (BRT) (synonyms: Bioinformation Therapy (BIT); Biophysical Information Therapy) is an energetic treatment method based on quantum physics. It assumes that every biological system vibrates with its own frequency, which is due to the natural vibration of the elementary particles. The oscillation frequency mediates a constant biological flow of information between these electric fields and the matter or tissue. The basis of the therapy consists in the purposeful feeding of biologically effective frequencies, which can influence e.g. ill tissue, which is disturbed in its frequency. In addition, diseased tissue is treated with the patient’s own vibrations by directing them into the diseased area. Bioresonance therapy belongs to the complementary medical procedures. It is used for acute as well as chronic diseases. The determining factor for the therapy is not the disease, but the vibration center.

Indications (areas of application)

  • Allergies – e.g. food allergy.
  • Acidosis (hyperacidity) or alkalosis – disturbances of the acid-base balance.
  • Respiratory diseases – bronchial asthma, bronchitis.
  • Complementary tumor therapy – adjunctive treatment for all types of tumors.
  • Chronic degenerative diseases – e.g. diseases of the rheumatic form circle.
  • Diabetes mellitus type 1 and diabetes mellitus type 2
  • Endocrine disorders
  • Detoxification problems due to weakened excretory organs – e.g. kidney disease.
  • Gynecological diseases – e.g. hyperemesis (vomiting during pregnancy), mammary or ovarian cysts (breast or ovarian cysts).
  • Cardiovascular diseases
  • Immunodeficiency – tendency to infections, for example, in children.
  • Stomach and intestinal diseases – e.g. Ulcus ventriculi (gastric ulcer), pancreatitis (inflammation of the pancreas), colitis (inflammatory bowel disease) and gastritis (gastritis).
  • Scar disturbance fields
  • Kidney and bladder diseases – cystitis (inflammation of the bladder), nephritis (acute or chronic inflammatory disease of the kidney).
  • Pre- and postoperative treatments (treatments before or after surgery).
  • Pain relief
  • Toxic (poisonous) stress


  • None

The procedure

The electromagnetic oscillations (vibrations) of the patient are derived and registered via electrodes. The arrangement of the electrodes depends on the therapy. The therapist adjusts the therapy device to alter the patient’s oscillations as desired. Disharmonious and pathological (disease-related) oscillations are deleted in the organism and weakened, harmonious, healthy oscillations are strengthened. In this way the disturbed electric field can be influenced. First, the patient receives a basic therapy, which stabilizes the energy balance and improves the response to the follow-up therapy. The follow-up therapy is specific and is based on the medical knowledge of the physician.Three therapeutic directions are distinguished in bioresonance therapy:

  • Constitutional therapy – holistic treatment of the patient.
  • Relief therapy – relief of the organism.
  • Expulsion therapy – expulsion of unhealthy substances from the body.

The healing stimuli are directed both from the body itself and exogenously (from outside) into the diseased tissue to restore the unstable physiological dynamic equilibrium state of vibration. Exogenous stimuli can be, for example, colors and sounds. Bioresonance therapy can be well combined with other naturopathic therapeutic methods.

Possible complications

  • None


Bioresonance therapy is a procedure that can be used in addition to conventional medical treatment and can have a positive effect on the well-being of the patient.The side effect-free therapy is specifically tailored to your organism, restores the healthy, harmonious body condition and stabilizes it with long-term use.