Specific therapy of diabetes type 2 | Therapy Diabetes mellitus

Specific therapy of diabetes type 2 The type 2 diabetic should receive a phase-appropriate, step-by-step therapy. The first stage and most important therapeutic measure is weight normalization, which should be achieved and maintained by a diabetes diet and regular physical activity (endurance training). Basically, there are two different therapeutic approaches to the drug therapy of … Specific therapy of diabetes type 2 | Therapy Diabetes mellitus

Long term complications | Therapy Diabetes mellitus

Long term complications Common concomitant and secondary diseases in type – 2 diabetics 75.2% high blood pressure 11.9% Damage to the retina (retinopathy) 10.6% Damage to the nerves (neuropathy) 9.1% heart attack 7.4% Circulatory disorder (peripheral arterial occlusive disease (pAVK)) 4.7% Apoplexy (stroke) 3.3% Nephropathy (renal insufficiency) 1.7% diabetic foot 0.8% Amputation of limbs 0,3% … Long term complications | Therapy Diabetes mellitus