What to do if your blood pressure is low?


Low blood pressure is called hypotension and is more common in very thin and also untrained people. One speaks of hypotension when average blood pressure values are reached that are lower than 100/60 mmHg. Hypotension is only treated if it leads to symptoms.

These include dizziness, headaches or even the temporary loss of consciousness (syncope). Overall, hypotension is less dangerous than high blood pressure (hypertension) because it is not a risk factor for heart attack or stroke. In addition to drug treatment for low blood pressure, there are a number of things you can do yourself to raise your blood pressure.

What are the possibilities to increase blood pressure?

A low blood pressure is diagnosed when one has a permanent blood pressure value below 100/60 mmHg. However, there are several ways to raise blood pressure. In addition to taking medication, the patient can take measures to raise his or her own low blood pressure.

The doctor should discuss these measures with his patients and motivate them to take them before prescribing a fixed medication. These methods include a change in diet and increased drinking. The patient with low blood pressure should drink at least 2 liters of water a day, if possible even more.

With regard to nutrition, he should pay attention to a slightly increased salt intake. This salt in the body leads to increased water retention. All in all, these two measures increase the fluid volume in the organism and thus raise the blood pressure.

Another way to increase blood pressure is to take daily alternating showers. The repeated alternation between warm and cold water promotes blood circulation in the body and trains the vessels. In this way the vessels are quickly dilated and contracted again, which has a positive effect on the entire circulation.

It is also recommended to wear compression stockings if you suffer from low blood pressure. These compress the leg and thus demand the venous return flow from the legs to the heart. Particularly in the case of existing varicose veins (varices) or people who stand a lot in one place (e.g. cashier), compression stockings support the continuous blood flow and circulation.

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Caution should be exercised in the case of acutely low blood pressure. The affected person usually notices that something is wrong by dizziness or general indisposition. This should be reported to another person as soon as possible so that they can help.

The person with low blood pressure should lie down on the floor as flat as possible. This is a precaution in case the patient loses consciousness and falls to the floor. He could fall badly or hit his head dangerously.

Next, the patient should drink a lot, preferably something containing caffeine or salt. A sufficient intake of fluids and salt will help to raise the blood pressure again. In addition, the patient’s legs can be elevated.

This supports the general blood circulation and helps to prevent the blood from sinking into the legs. If possible, compression stockings can also be put on in addition. Normally all these measures help and the person feels better after a short time so that he/she can stand up again. However, if the person does not regain consciousness quickly, is disoriented or if there is a suspicion of another illness, an ambulance with an emergency doctor should be consulted.