
Definition The term albinism is derived from the Latin word for white, “albus”. It is a collective term for a large number of congenital genetic defects, all of which result in those affected suffering from a lack of pigment, which is mainly noticeable by a light skin and hair colour. Albinism is not only found … Albinism

Therapy of albinism | Albinism

Therapy of albinism A therapy of the present genetic defect is not possible until today, so albinism can only be treated symptomatically and one can try to avoid consequential damages of the disease. It is important for persons with albinism to pay attention to special UV protection, as the natural protection is missing due to … Therapy of albinism | Albinism

Melanin Production: Function, Role & Diseases

Melanin production, which is carried out by specialized basal cells in the epidermis called melanocytes, serves primarily to protect the skin and the nuclei of skin cells from the harmful UV component in sunlight. The melanocytes are able to synthesize the skin pigment melanin from the non-essential proteinogenic amino acid L-tyrosine. Secondarily, the individual composition … Melanin Production: Function, Role & Diseases

Photophobia: Causes, Treatment & Help

Photophobia or light shyness refers to an increased sensitivity of the eyes to light. Other synonyms for it are: Light hypersensitivity, and Photosensitive eyes. This is usually daylight, but artificial lighting can also be perceived as disturbing. Therefore, affected people often seek dark rooms to escape the light stimulus. What is photophobia? Photosensitivity collectively refers … Photophobia: Causes, Treatment & Help

Hereditary Diseases: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Diseases that are “passed from parents to children” are referred to in common parlance as hereditary diseases. Genetic diseases are divided into three groups: chromosomal abnormalities, monogenic diseases, and polygenic inherited diseases. What are inherited diseases? Hereditary diseases are clinical pictures or diseases that arise due to errors in the hereditary dispositions or are newly … Hereditary Diseases: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment