Macrobiotics: Treatment, Effects & Risks

The macrobiotic way of life is not only supposed to make the body healthier, but also to strengthen the mental faculties. The original form, as practiced and taught by its founder, was considered too one-sided shortly after its introduction and was expanded and supplemented with Western foods because of some bad incidents. What is macrobiotics? … Macrobiotics: Treatment, Effects & Risks

White Horsetail: Applications, Treatments, Health Benefits

White Germer is a highly poisonous plant, which is especially common in the regions of the high mountains. The famous Greek physician Hippocrates treated the accompanying symptoms of cholera (diarrhea, vomiting) with low doses of white tansy from the root of the plant. Some of his contemporaries and descendants valued White Germer rather as an … White Horsetail: Applications, Treatments, Health Benefits

Piperine: Effect, Uses & Risks

Piperine is an acid amide alkaloid and, as the main substance of pepper, has not only pungent properties. It is also helpful because it favorably affects biological processes in the body. What is piperine? Piperine directly affects our health. By blocking calcium transport, piperine can lower blood pressure. The alkaloid piperine provides the pungency of … Piperine: Effect, Uses & Risks

Tomatillo: Intolerance & Allergy

When unripe, the tomatillo looks like a small and green tomato, and in this state it can be used like a vegetable. It has a spicy aroma. When mature, it is yellow and then tastes much sweeter than a tomato. However, the tomatillo, the Mexican berry fruit, is not closely related to the tomato, but … Tomatillo: Intolerance & Allergy

Reserpine: Effects, Uses & Risks

Reserpine is a drug used as an antihypertensive and as a neuroleptic. Originally, the active ingredient comes from some plants in the snakeroot group. What is reserpine? Reserpine is a drug used as an antihypertensive and as a neuroleptic. Reserpine is a chemical compound that occurs naturally in plants. The substance belongs to the indole … Reserpine: Effects, Uses & Risks

Vinblastine: Effects, Uses & Risks

The drug vinblastine belongs to the group of chemotherapeutic agents. It is used to treat cancer. What is vinblastine? Vinblastine is also known in medicine as vinblastine sulfate or vincaleukoblastine. The chemotherapeutic agent is considered the best-known representative of the vinca alkaloids. Vinblastine represents an alkaloid of the pink catharanth. This plant is also called … Vinblastine: Effects, Uses & Risks

Vincristine: Effects, Uses & Risks

Vincristine is a cytostatic drug used to treat cancer. The alkaloid acts as a mitosis inhibitor. What is vincristine? Vincristine is a cytostatic drug used to treat cancer. Vincristine is an alkaloid. Alkaloids are chemical heterogeneous substances that occur naturally. They are usually nitrogenous and are formed in the secondary metabolism of plants or animals. … Vincristine: Effects, Uses & Risks

Papaverine: Effects, Uses & Risks

Papaverine is a substance from the group of alkaloids and belongs to the active substance class of spasmolytics. The alkaloid is found in the dried milk sap of the opium poppy. However, it can also be produced synthetically. What is papaverine? The alkaloid is found in the dried milk sap of the opium poppy. However, … Papaverine: Effects, Uses & Risks

Oxybutynin: Effects, Uses & Risks

The active ingredient oxybutynin belongs to the anticholinergics. It has a structural relationship to the alkaloid atropine. What is oxybutynin? Oxybutynin is used to treat strong urination or nocturnal enuresis. Oxybutynin is classified in the group of anticholinergics or parasympatholytics. The drug is used for the treatment of strong urge to urinate or nocturnal enuresis. … Oxybutynin: Effects, Uses & Risks

Cabergoline: Effects, Uses & Risks

Cabergoline is the name given to a drug derived from ergot alkaloids. The drug is used to treat Parkinson’s disease, among other conditions. What is cabergoline? Cabergoline is the name given to a drug derived from ergot alkaloids. The drug is used to treat Parkinson’s disease, among other conditions. Cabergoline is an ergoline derivative. The … Cabergoline: Effects, Uses & Risks