Ceelen-Gellerstedt Syndrome: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Ceelen-Gellerstedt syndrome is a lung disorder believed to be one of the autoimmune diseases that causes episodic or chronic hemorrhages in lung tissue. Fibrosis often develops from the hemorrhages. Causal treatments are not yet available for this rare disease. What is Ceelen-Gellerstedt syndrome? Ceelen-Gellerstedt syndrome is a rare lung disease that appears as hemorrhage in … Ceelen-Gellerstedt Syndrome: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Flurans: Effects, Uses & Risks

Flurans are polyhalogenated hydrocarbons with an oxygen bridge (ether bridge) as a functional group. All five known flurans belong to the group of inhalation narcotics and are characterized by a very good hypnotic, i.e. soporific, effect. Their analgesic (pain-relieving) effect, on the other hand, is weak, so that fluranes are usually used in anesthesia together … Flurans: Effects, Uses & Risks

Alveoli: Structure, Function & Diseases

Alveoli (air sacs) are important components of the lungs. They are responsible for the exchange of gases between the blood and the outside world. The alveoli ensure the intake of fresh air for breathing and the removal of carbon dioxide produced by breathing. If alveoli are damaged, breathing becomes massively restricted. Curative treatment options for … Alveoli: Structure, Function & Diseases

Testing of lung function

Pulmonary function tests (Lufu for short, spirometry is often used as a synonym) are a series of medical tests that check the function of the lungs. These tests determine how much air you can breathe in and out of the lungs, how fast you can breathe in and out of the lungs, and how much … Testing of lung function


General information The bronchial system refers to the airways of the lungs. It is divided into an air conducting and a respiratory part. The air-conducting part is the sole conduit for breathing air and consists of the main bronchi and the bronchioles. It is also known as dead space, as no gas exchange takes place … Bronchia