Pulmonary alveoli

Alveolus Definition Pulmonary alveoli are the smallest structural unit of the lung and belong to the respiratory tract. This means that the pulmonary alveoli serve to exchange gases between inhaled air and blood. Each lung contains about 300 – 400 million air sacs. The lung can generally be divided into two large lobes, the left … Pulmonary alveoli

Histology (fine reconstruction) | Pulmonary alveoli

Histology (fine reconstruction) A pulmonary alveoli is a honeycomb-like bulge of the bronchial system. Pulmonary alveoli have a very thin wall. This thin wall is necessary for the optimal conditions of rapid gas exchange between blood and respiratory air. The wall of the pulmonary alveoli is formed by various cells. Pneumocytes type I make up … Histology (fine reconstruction) | Pulmonary alveoli

Nasal breathing

Definition Nasal breathing is the normal, i.e. physiological form of breathing. At rest, we breathe in and out about sixteen times in one minute, usually quite intuitively through the nose. The air flows through the nostrils into the nose, paranasal sinuses and finally through the throat into the windpipe, from where the fresh air reaches … Nasal breathing

Causes of obstructed nasal breathing | Nasal breathing

Causes of obstructed nasal breathing The causes of impaired nasal breathing can be many and varied. In adults there is often an enlargement of the lower turbinates or a curvature of the nasal septum, sometimes even a combination of both malformations. In children, foreign bodies in one nostril are occasionally responsible for a nasal breathing … Causes of obstructed nasal breathing | Nasal breathing

When is an operation necessary? | Nasal breathing

When is an operation necessary? Surgery is particularly indicated when there are anatomical changes in the nasal structures. Often there is an enlargement of the inferior turbinates or a bending of the nasal septum. There are possibilities to surgically reduce the size of the lower nasal conchae, for example by laser surgery, radiofrequency surgery or … When is an operation necessary? | Nasal breathing

Respiratory tract

Overview The term respiratory tract is an umbrella term for all organs involved in respiration. Within the respiratory tract, a further functional distinction is made between organs that are responsible for conducting the air (so-called air-conducting organs) and those that are ultimately responsible for actual breathing itself (so-called gas exchange, in which the blood is … Respiratory tract

Pulmonary circulation

Synonyms in a broader sense Lungs, alveoli, bronchi Medical: Pulmo Pulmonary circulation In pulmonary perfusion, the lung is supplied with blood by two functionally different vessels that originate from the small and large body circulation. In pulmonary circulation, the vessels of the small circulation (pulmonary circulation) transport the entire blood volume of the body through … Pulmonary circulation

Respiratory acidosis

Definition Respiratory acidosis is a shift of the pH value in the blood to the acidic range. The normal blood pH value fluctuates between 7.38-7.45. If respiratory acidosis is present, the pH value decreases. As the name suggests, the presence of respiratory acidosis is caused by a respiratory disorder. The patient hypoventilats, which means that … Respiratory acidosis

What can be the long-term consequences of respiratory acidosis? | Respiratory acidosis

What can be the long-term consequences of respiratory acidosis? As already mentioned in the section “BGA”, respiratory acidosis leads in the long term to metabolic compensation, whereby more bicarbonate is retained. This keeps the pH value largely neutral. If there is a pronounced respiratory acidosis, the patient’s lips turn bluish. The reason for this is … What can be the long-term consequences of respiratory acidosis? | Respiratory acidosis