What do you think about apps for brushing your teeth? | Brushing your teeth

What do you think about apps for brushing your teeth? The novelty on the market are apps that are designed to help users brush their teeth in order to get better feedback on how good their own oral hygiene is. Particularly noteworthy are the apps that are specially designed for children and are intended to … What do you think about apps for brushing your teeth? | Brushing your teeth

Brushing without a toothbrush? | Brushing your teeth

Brushing without a toothbrush? Cleaning teeth without mechanical activity with a brush is insufficient. The plaque that adheres to the teeth after eating can only be removed by mechanical removal with a toothbrush. No mouthwash, mouthwash or toothpaste can be sufficient, because they cannot remove these plaque. The bacteria then have the chance to metabolize … Brushing without a toothbrush? | Brushing your teeth

Brushing your teeth

Tooth brushing, tooth cleaning, dental hygiene, dental floss, toothbrushBacterial plaque is the cause of caries and diseases of the periodontium. The prophylaxis, i.e. prevention, of these diseases consists in removing these plaque. Besides dental floss, dental sticks and interdental brushes, toothbrushes and toothpaste are the main means of prevention. Since the plaque is very firmly … Brushing your teeth

How to remove plaque

Introduction If oral hygiene is inadequate, food remains stick to the tooth. Bacteria decompose them and excrete substances harmful to the tooth. In order to care for the teeth optimally and keep them healthy for a long time, plaque must be removed regularly. Only in this way can carious defects and inflammatory processes of the … How to remove plaque

Professional dental cleaning | How to remove plaque

Professional dental cleaning In case of very persistent plaque, tartar and other discolorations of the tooth substance, a so-called “professional tooth cleaning” by a dentist should be considered. Professional tooth cleaning is an effective measure to remove plaque, in which the surfaces and spaces between the teeth are cleaned mechanically. Countless studies have shown that … Professional dental cleaning | How to remove plaque

Household remedy against dental plaque | How to remove plaque

Household remedy against dental plaque When using household remedies, it is essential to ensure that their use does not damage the enamel – whether through acid or roughening substances that damage the enamel and thus promote the accumulation of bacteria. A roughened surface also provides an increased surface area with even more hiding places for … Household remedy against dental plaque | How to remove plaque

Tooth filling with plastic

Introduction In order to remove carious defects and to be able to restore the affected tooth permanently, a tooth filling is necessary. After the treating dentist has completely removed the caries and dried the resulting hole (cavity), he or she can resort to various filling materials. In dentistry, a basic distinction is made between rigid … Tooth filling with plastic

Disadvantages of the plastic filling | Tooth filling with plastic

Disadvantages of the plastic filling In order to meet the requirements of a high-quality restorative material, plastics (composites) are extremely expensive to produce. The costs for the production of one gram of filling suitable plastic is about the price of one gram of gold. In addition, both the treatment process and the subsequent grinding of … Disadvantages of the plastic filling | Tooth filling with plastic

Ceramics compared to plastic filling | Tooth filling with plastic

Ceramics compared to plastic filling In principle, there are no ceramic fillings, since ceramic is a rigid material that must always be fired in the kiln at very high temperatures or cut out of a prefabricated block (CAD/CAM technology). These are ceramic inlays, i.e. inlay fillings that are made by the dental technician in the … Ceramics compared to plastic filling | Tooth filling with plastic