Diagnosis of numbness in the ear | Numbness in the ear

Diagnosis of numbness in the ear

In order to make a diagnosis of deafness of the ear, a detailed conversation and a physical examination is necessary in the first place. Accompanying symptoms and previous illnesses are important, as well as a precise description of the symptoms. During the physical examination, the neurology as well as the ear must be examined and a hearing test may be necessary. Sensitivity disorders are difficult to test objectively, but depending on the suspicion, further tests may be necessary, such as blood tests or imaging.

  • Emotional,
  • Temperature-,
  • Vibration and
  • Test pain sensation.

Accompanying symptoms of numbness in the ear

Accompanying symptoms of numbness in the ear can be sensation and pain. In the case of shingles, vesicles and redness follow, which are sometimes confined to the ear canal and can therefore easily be overlooked. In case of local inflammation, inflammatory signs such as redness, swelling and pain may occur.

In the case of middle ear inflammation, a purulent discharge from the ear may also occur.Tinnitus is an auditory perception or ear noise that can manifest itself as hissing, humming, beeping or ringing. This noise is only perceived by the person affected (subjective tinnitus). Nevertheless, there is also the rare objective tinnitus, the cause of which is found in vessels or muscles.

There are numerous possible causes of subjective tinnitus: however, if the ear is inconspicuous, sometimes no cause can be found.

  • Inflammation in the middle ear,
  • Ear canal closures,
  • Damage to the hearing organ by a loud sound or bang and
  • Several systemic diseases.
  • Drugs such as aminoglycosides or loop diuretics can also be toxic to the inner ear and cause tinnitus.

Sensitivity disorders in the ear and cheek area can occur due to reactivation of the chickenpox virus, known as varicella zoster or shingles. This can lead to sensations that are usually followed by severe pain, blisters and redness.

A medical consultation should be made immediately. Sensitivity disorders of the cheek can also be an early symptom of facial paralysis (peripheral facial paresis). Some patients report numbness and sensation a few days before the paralysis appears. In this case, too, a medical presentation is necessary.