How can caries be cured?

Introduction If the dentist wants to heal caries, ideally he must make a correct assessment of the depth of caries and the condition of the affected tooth at an early stage. There are various options available to him for this purpose. Caries detectors, which are liquids that stain carious areas of the tooth, are often … How can caries be cured?

Progressive form of caries | How can caries be cured?

Progressive form of caries If a deep caries is not healed early, the so-called penetrating caries (caries penetrans) develops. The infestation extends through the dentin to the pulp cavity (pulp cavity), the pulp is thus in direct contact with the caries-causing bacteria. These bacteria lead to inflammation, damage the pulp and the nerve fibres within … Progressive form of caries | How can caries be cured?

Can caries heal by itself, without a dentist? | How can caries be cured?

Can caries heal by itself, without a dentist? Caries can be inactivated if the bacteria cannot continue to work and thus cannot further destroy the tooth. If this is a small superficial caries, it can be left under observation. If it is a larger lesion, the tooth is porous and possibly perforated. No endogenous substance … Can caries heal by itself, without a dentist? | How can caries be cured?


Synonyms in a broader sense Carie, tooth decay The first stage describes the initial lesion or caries initialis. In this stage of development, only the enamel is decalcified or demineralized and no collapse of the surface can be felt. Therefore, this stage is still reversible and controllable through targeted fluoridation. All other stages are irreversible … Caries

Caries bacteria | Caries

Caries bacteria In the healthy oral flora of the oral cavity there are well over three hundred different species of bacteria, of which only two are caries bacteria. These bacteria can metabolize the sugar in food, which is absorbed as a substrate, into acids (especially lactic acid) and cause lasting damage to the tooth. These … Caries bacteria | Caries

Is caries contagious? | Caries

Is caries contagious? It is generally known that diseases caused by viral or bacterial pathogens are contagious. However, most people are not aware that this also applies to caries. Caries is a dental disease caused by bacterial pathogens. According to the World Health Organization, tooth decay is the most widespread infectious disease of all. It … Is caries contagious? | Caries

Prophylaxis | Caries

Prophylaxis The bacteria responsible for the development of caries accumulate in the plaque that forms between the tooth and the gumline. Therefore, it is important for prophylaxis to remove this plaque by means of a toothbrush, toothpaste and dental floss. Because the saying applies: A clean tooth does not get sick. However, since fluorides strengthen … Prophylaxis | Caries


Introduction Self-medication is being increasingly promoted by the provisions of the Health Structure Act. This naturally means that the number of drugs freely available in pharmacies has increased considerably. The illnesses listed in the law as so-called trivial diseases are thus excluded from medical prescriptions. These include inflammation of the mouth and throat. Chlorhexidine also … Chlorhexidine

Gel | Chlorhexidine

Gel Chlorhexidine is also a 1% component in dental gels. Such a gel is used in cases of bacterial gum inflammation, periodontitis, high caries risk and people with limited oral hygiene ability. After a completed operation, oral hygiene is often difficult, so that such a gel can provide relief. Also, some people do not like … Gel | Chlorhexidine