Nightly teeth grinding

Definition We speak of teeth grinding or clenching (bruxism) when the teeth are exposed to abnormally high muscular load excessively often. This can, for example, lead to signs of wear and tear on the tooth or to muscular complaints of the chewing muscles. It can also promote inflammation of the periodontium. Teeth grinding at night … Nightly teeth grinding

Homeopathy | Nightly teeth grinding

Homeopathy There are some dentists who prescribe homeopathic remedies in addition to splint therapy for symptoms of grinding during the night. These are globules which, in addition to conservative therapy, are supposed to have a supportive effect in order to alleviate symptoms and achieve a sense of achievement more quickly.Among the globules that are prescribed … Homeopathy | Nightly teeth grinding

White teeth

Introduction White teeth, who does not wish for them, because the expression of a face is mainly determined by the eyes and the teeth. When speaking and laughing, the teeth become visible. If they are dark, it is not a beautiful sight. But you can do something about it. The method is called bleaching or … White teeth

White teeth through the use of mouthwashes | White teeth

White teeth through the use of mouthwashes Mouthwashes are often offered in advertising or drugstores to help whiter teeth. In general, however, these mouthwashes have very aggressive ingredients to achieve the desired and promised effect. On the contrary, the ingredients of mouthwashes, including chlorhexidine, can have a contrary effect. If used continuously and too frequently, … White teeth through the use of mouthwashes | White teeth

Products for home use | White teeth

Products for home use For home use, over-the-counter products for white teeth and the removal of discoloration are available in pharmacies and drugstores. Certain toothpastes are used to remove deposits on the tooth surface. They either have a high abrasiveness due to aggressive cleaning agents or they only bleach the pigments. Due to the aggressive … Products for home use | White teeth

Summary | White teeth

Summary A certain degree of teeth whitening can be achieved with hydrogen peroxide containing products, both at home and through professional treatment. Certain precautions must be taken to prevent damage to the mucous membrane. The treatments must be repeated at longer intervals, but no more than 2 times a year. Since household remedies can cause … Summary | White teeth

Professional dental cleaning: How often is it necessary?

Introduction Even in patients who make the greatest effort and invest a lot of time every day in properly executed oral hygiene, food residues and plaque deposits can remain on the tooth surface. This problem is especially prevalent in hard-to-reach areas where the bristles of the toothbrush cannot reach or can only reach insufficiently. Even … Professional dental cleaning: How often is it necessary?

What are the risks of professional dental cleaning? | Professional dental cleaning: How often is it necessary?

What are the risks of professional dental cleaning? Professional teeth cleaning is one of the most important preventive treatments to avoid tooth and mouth diseases. Nevertheless, bacteria are released into the oral cavity during the procedure, which can enter the bloodstream via small injuries in the gums (e.g. cracks). This poses a risk of infection, … What are the risks of professional dental cleaning? | Professional dental cleaning: How often is it necessary?

How can caries be cured?

Introduction If the dentist wants to heal caries, ideally he must make a correct assessment of the depth of caries and the condition of the affected tooth at an early stage. There are various options available to him for this purpose. Caries detectors, which are liquids that stain carious areas of the tooth, are often … How can caries be cured?