
Manufacturer Bisphosphonates are now sold by almost all well-known manufacturers. The first substance that was brought to market was Fosamax®. Most information exists about this substance. The active ingredient alendronic acid or alendronate is still the so-called lead substance in osteoporosis requiring therapy. The efficacy of novel substances is being tested against this drug. Further … Bisphosphonates

To make plaque visible

Introduction In order to make plaque visible on the teeth, various food dyes are used in the form of staining tablets or gels. These are used to mark areas on the tooth surface that have not yet been cleaned sufficiently. Such so-called plaque indicators are mainly used in pediatric dentistry to increase the motivation for … To make plaque visible

Tooth formula

Introduction The tooth formula is also called the denture formula or tooth scheme in many textbooks and provides an overview of the teeth found in humans (and all other mammals). In Europe, the dental formula of the Fédération Dentaire Internationale (FDI), the international professional association of dentists, is generally used. The entire jaw is divided … Tooth formula

Aphthae – You should know this

Introduction Various diseases can manifest themselves on the oral mucosa and the tongue. In addition to injuries, for example with toothbrush bristles that are too hard, it is mainly bacterial infections on the surface of the mucous membrane that lead to pathological changes. One of these is the aforementioned aphthae in the mouth. These are … Aphthae – You should know this

The seal

Definition A seal (tooth seal) is colloquially called a tooth filling made of amalgam, a mercury alloy (silver amalgam). Individual components of this filling material are: Silver (40%) Tin (32%) Copper (30%) Indium (5%) Mercury (3%) and Zinc (2%). Discussions about the seal Amalgam dental fillings are still the subject of many discussions today. Critics … The seal

Application | The seal

Application Amalgam is still frequently used in German dental practices and is also quite easy to insert into the tooth. After a local anaesthetic is applied, the caries is completely removed and the tooth is prepared in a box-shaped manner. This preparation ensures the highest possible adhesion between the tooth substance and the filling material. … Application | The seal

The cost of a seal | The seal

The cost of a seal The cost of a seal, i.e. a tooth filling, depends on the material chosen for the filling. In most cases there is the possibility of a plastic or amalgam filling. Each of these materials has its own advantages and disadvantages. The most frequently chosen seal is made of plastic. The … The cost of a seal | The seal