Diagnosis | Phantom Pain

Diagnosis When pain occurs after amputation, it is very important to take a detailed medical history and describe the patient’s pain exactly. A distinction must be made between phantom pain and residual limb pain, i.e. pain on the remaining residual limb of the removed body part. These can be caused by inflammation, bruising, nerve injury … Diagnosis | Phantom Pain

Therapy | Phantom Pain

Therapy To date, there is no uniform therapy for phantom pain. Since it has been shown that patients with adequate prosthesis fitting had the least brain reorganisation and were least affected by phantom pain, those affected should receive a prosthesis as far as possible. In most cases, drug treatment is attempted first. Since phantom pain … Therapy | Phantom Pain

Prophylaxis | Phantom Pain

Prophylaxis A key factor in the development of phantom pain is the severity and duration of the pain before removal of the body part. Therefore, optimal pain management before amputation is the central approach to prevent phantom pain. This is the only way to prevent the formation of a pain memory. Consistent pain therapy should … Prophylaxis | Phantom Pain

Dry Skin: Causes, Treatment & Help

Dry skin is not in itself worthy of disease. However, because it is extremely sensitive to various environmental influences, dry skin is prone to irritation. Those who suffer from it can do a few things themselves to properly care for dry skin. What is dry skin? Schematic diagram showing the anatomy and structure of the … Dry Skin: Causes, Treatment & Help

Healing time and prognosis | Gangrene

Healing time and prognosis The most important principle in the therapy of gangrene is that it can only heal if the cause is eliminated. If this is the case, for example, because a migrated blood clot (embolism) was responsible for it and it was removed, the healing time depends on how far advanced the gangrene … Healing time and prognosis | Gangrene


What is a gangrene? Gangrene comes from the Greek and means “that which eats away”. This name originated from the outward appearance of a gangrene and the partly very fast spreading of it. A gangrene is a tissue necrosis in which the skin dies and then dissolves and changes. In former times gangrene was also … Gangrene

Causes | Gangrene

Causes The most common cause of gangrene is a reduced blood supply to tissues far from the body (peripheral), such as feet and fingers, caused by systemic factors. These are mainly diabetes, smoking and diseases of the cardiovascular system. Gangrene of the internal organs is usually caused by a spontaneously occurring inflammation of the respective … Causes | Gangrene

Diagnosis | Gangrene

Diagnosis Gangrene is usually a so-called clinical diagnosis. This means that physicians can make the diagnosis after a detailed inspection and physical examination. In most cases a gangrene is even a gaze diagnosis, which means that only a short glance is necessary to make a suspected diagnosis. In addition, a smear of the gangrene is … Diagnosis | Gangrene

Amputation: Treatment, Effect & Risks

Living with an amputation is not always easy and must be mastered with a lot of strength. This applies not only to the physical limitations, but also to the psychological and emotional suffering that those affected have to cope with. What is an amputation? An amputation is a procedure that results in the loss of … Amputation: Treatment, Effect & Risks